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Board of School Administors

Welcome to the Minnesota
Board of School Administrators Website

The links in the top navigation bar as well as those found in the navigation bar on the right connect you with information related to almost every aspect of licensing individuals for K-12 administrative positions in Minnesota. Please take some time to explore those relevant to you.

A person holding a position as a:
  • superintendent
  • assistant superintendent
  • principal
  • assistant principal
  • director of community education
  • director of special education
  • assistant director of special education

must hold the appropriate license for that position, per Minnesota Administrative Rule, Chapter 3512, Licensure of School Personnel.

Please note: We are in the process of reviewing and updating the information on our website. If you cannot find what you need, please contact us. We will be glad to help you find it. Thank you for your patience during this brief transition period.

Janet L. Mohr
Executive Director
[email protected]

Karen Millar, Administrative Assistant
651-797-1608 (fax)
[email protected]